In this sectionwe will see
- TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
- IPv4 Addressing
- Name Resolution
- IPv4 Routing
- Physical Address Resolution
- Related Information
TCP/IP for IP version 4 (IPv4) is a
networking protocol suite that Microsoft Windows uses to communicate over the
internet with other computers. It interacts with Windows naming services like
DNS and security technologies, such as IPsec primarily, as these help
facilitate the successful and secure transfer of IP packets between machines.
Ideally, TCP/IP is used whenever
Windows-based computers communicate over networks.
This subject describes the
components of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, the protocol architecture, which
functions TCP/IP performs, how addresses are structured and assigned, and how
packets are structured and routed.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
provides extensive support for the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) suite, as both a protocol and a set of services for
connectivity and management of IP internetworks. Knowledge of the basic
concepts of TCP/IP is an absolute requirement for the proper understanding of
the configuration, deployment, and troubleshooting of IP-based
Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows 2000 intranets.
TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
TCP/IP protocols map to a four-layer
conceptual model known as the DARPA model, named after the U.S. government
agency that initially developed TCP/IP. The four layers of the DARPA model are:
Application, Transport, Internet, and Network Interface. Each layer in the
DARPA model corresponds to one or more layers of the seven-layer Open Systems
Interconnection (OSI) model.
The following figure shows the
TCP/IP protocol architecture.
TCP/IP Protocol Architecture

- The architectural diagram above corresponds to the
Internet Protocol TCP/IP and does not reflect IP version 6. To see a
TCP/IP architectural diagrm that includes IPv6, see How IPv6 Works in
this technical reference.
Network Interface Layer
The Network Interface layer (also
called the Network Access layer) handles placing TCP/IP packets on the network
medium and receiving TCP/IP packets off the network medium. TCP/IP was designed
to be independent of the network access method, frame format, and medium. In
this way, TCP/IP can be used to connect differing network types. These include
local area network (LAN) media such as Ethernet and Token Ring and WAN
technologies such as X.25 and Frame Relay. Independence from any specific
network media allows TCP/IP to be adapted to new media such as asynchronous
transfer mode (ATM).
The Network Interface layer
encompasses the Data Link and Physical layers of the OSI model. Note that the
Internet layer does not take advantage of sequencing and acknowledgment
services that might be present in the Network Interface layer. An unreliable
Network Interface layer is assumed, and reliable communication through session
establishment and the sequencing and acknowledgment of packets is the function
of the Transport layer.
Internet Layer
The Internet layer handles
addressing, packaging, and routing functions. The core protocols of the
Internet layer are IP, ARP, ICMP, and IGMP.
- The Internet Protocol (IP) is a routable protocol that
handles IP addressing, routing, and the fragmentation and reassembly of
- The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) handles
resolution of an Internet layer address to a Network Interface layer
address, such as a hardware address.
- The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) handles
providing diagnostic functions and reporting errors due to the
unsuccessful delivery of IP packets.
- The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) handles
management of IP multicast group membership.
The Internet layer is analogous to
the Network layer of the OSI model.
Transport Layer
The Transport layer (also known as
the Host-to-Host Transport layer) handles providing the Application layer with
session and datagram communication services. The core protocols of the
Transport layer are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP).
- TCP provides a one-to-one, connection-oriented,
reliable communications service. TCP handles the establishment of a TCP
connection, the sequencing and acknowledgment of packets sent, and the
recovery of packets lost during transmission.
- UDP provides a one-to-one or one-to-many,
connectionless, unreliable communications service. UDP is used when the
amount of data to be transferred is small (such as data that fits into a
single packet), when you do not want the overhead of establishing a TCP
connection, or when the applications or upper layer protocols provide
reliable delivery.
The TCP/IP Transport layer
encompasses the responsibilities of the OSI Transport layer.
Application Layer
The Application layer lets
applications access the services of the other layers and defines the protocols
that applications use to exchange data. There are many Application layer
protocols and new protocols are always being developed.
The most widely known Application
layer protocols are those used for the exchange of user information:
- The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is used to
transfer files that make up the Web pages of the World Wide Web.
- The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used for
interactive file transfer.
- The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used for
the transfer of mail messages and attachments.
- Telnet, a terminal emulation protocol, is used for
logging on remotely to network hosts.
Additionally, the following
Application layer protocols help facilitate the use and management of TCP/IP
- The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to resolve a host
name to an IP address.
- The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a routing
protocol that routers use to exchange routing information on an IP
- The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used
between a network management console and network devices (routers,
bridges, intelligent hubs) to collect and exchange network management
Examples of Application layer
interfaces for TCP/IP applications are Windows Sockets and NetBIOS. Windows
Sockets provides a standard application programming interface (API) under
Windows Server 2003. NetBIOS is an industry-standard interface for accessing
protocol services such as sessions, datagrams, and name resolution. More
information on Windows Sockets and NetBIOS is provided later in this chapter.
The TCP/IP Application layer
encompasses the responsibilities of the OSI Session, Presentation, and
Application layers.
TCP/IP Core Protocols
The TCP/IP protocol component that
is installed in your network operating system is a series of interconnected
protocols called the core protocols of TCP/IP. All other applications and other
protocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite rely on the basic services provided by
the following protocols: IP, ARP, ICMP, IGMP, TCP, and UDP.
IP is a connectionless, unreliable
datagram protocol primarily responsible for addressing and routing packets
between hosts. Connectionless means that a session is not established before
exchanging data. Unreliable means that delivery is not guaranteed. IP always
makes a “best effort” attempt to deliver a packet. An IP packet might be lost,
delivered out of sequence, duplicated, or delayed. IP does not attempt to
recover from these types of errors. The acknowledgment of packets delivered and
the recovery of lost packets is the responsibility of a higher-layer protocol,
such as TCP. IP is defined in RFC 791.
An IP packet consists of an IP header
and an IP payload. The following table describes the key fields in the IP
Key Fields in the IP Header
IP Header Field
Source Address
The IP address of the original source of the IP datagram.
Destination Address
The IP address of the final destination of the IP
Used to identify a specific IP datagram and to identify
all fragments of a specific IP datagram if fragmentation occurs.
Informs IP at the destination host whether to pass the
packet up to TCP, UDP, ICMP, or other protocols.
A simple mathematical computation used to verify the
bit-level integrity of the IP header.
Time to Live (TTL)
Designates the number of network segments on which the
datagram is allowed to travel before being discarded by a router. The TTL is
set by the sending host and is used to prevent packets from endlessly
circulating on an IP internetwork. When forwarding an IP packet, routers are
required to decrease the TTL by at least one.
and reassembly
If a router receives an IP packet
that is too large for the network to which the packet is being forwarded, IP
fragments the original packet into smaller packets that fit on the downstream
network. When the packets arrive at their final destination, IP on the
destination host reassembles the fragments into the original payload. This
process is referred to as fragmentation and reassembly. Fragmentation can occur
in environments that have a mix of networking media, such as Ethernet and Token
The fragmentation and reassembly
works as follows:
- When an IP packet is sent by the source, it places a
unique value in the Identification field.
- The IP packet is received at the router. The IP router
notes that the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the network onto which
the packet is to be forwarded is smaller than the size of the IP packet.
- IP divides the original IP payload into fragments that
fit on the next network. Each fragment is sent with its own IP header that
- The original Identification field
identifying all fragments that belong together.
- The More Fragments Flag indicating
that other fragments follow. The More Fragments Flag is
not set on the last fragment, because no other fragments follow it.
- The Fragment Offset field indicating
the position of the fragment relative to the original IP payload.
When the fragments are received by
IP at the remote host, they are identified by the Identification field
as belonging together. The Fragment Offset field is then used
to reassemble the fragments into the original IP payload.
When IP packets are sent on shared
access, broadcast-based networking media — such as Ethernet or Token Ring — the
media access control (MAC) address corresponding to a forwarding IP address
must be resolved. ARP uses MAC-level broadcasts to resolve a known forwarding
or next-hop IP address to its MAC address. ARP is defined in RFC 826.
Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP) provides troubleshooting facilities and error reporting for packets that
are undeliverable. For example, if IP is unable to deliver a packet to the
destination host, ICMP sends a Destination Unreachable message to the source
host. The following table shows the most common ICMP messages.
Common ICMP Messages
ICMP Message
Echo Request
Troubleshooting message used to check IP connectivity to a
desired host. The ping utility sends ICMP Echo Request messages.
Echo Reply
Response to an ICMP Echo Request.
Sent by a router to inform a sending host of a better
route to a destination IP address.
Source Quench
Sent by a router to inform a sending host that its IP
datagrams are being dropped due to congestion at the router. The sending host
then lowers its transmission rate. Source Quench is an elective ICMP message
and is not commonly implemented.
Destination Unreachable
Sent by a router or the destination host to inform the
sending host that the datagram cannot be delivered.
The following table describes the
most common ICMP Destination Unreachable ICMP messages.
Common ICMP Destination Unreachable
Destination Unreachable Message
Host Unreachable
Sent by an IP router when a route to the destination IP
address cannot be found.
Protocol Unreachable
Sent by the destination IP node when the Protocol field
in the IP header cannot be matched with an IP client protocol currently
Port Unreachable
Sent by the destination IP node when the Destination Port
in the UDP header cannot be matched with a process using that port.
Fragmentation Needed and DF Set
Sent by an IP router when fragmentation must occur but is
not allowed due to the source node setting the Don’t Fragment (DF) flag
in the IP header.
Source Route Failed
Sent by an IP router when delivery of the IP packet using
source route information (stored as source route option headers) fails.
ICMP does not make IP a reliable
protocol. ICMP attempts to report errors and provide feedback on specific
conditions. ICMP messages are carried as unacknowledged IP datagrams and are
themselves unreliable. ICMP is defined in RFC 792.
Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP) is a protocol that manages host membership in IP multicast groups on a
network segment. An IP multicast group, also known as a host group, is a set of
hosts that listen for IP traffic destined for a specific IP multicast address.
IP multicast traffic is sent to a single MAC address but processed by multiple
IP hosts. A specific host listens on a specific IP multicast address and
receives all packets to that IP address.
The following are some of the additional
aspects of IP multicasting:
- Host group membership is dynamic, hosts can join and
leave the group at any time.
- A host group can be of any size.
- Members of a host group can span IP routers across
multiple networks. This situation requires IP multicast support on the IP
routers and the ability for hosts to register their group membership with
local routers. Host registration is accomplished using IGMP.
- A host can send traffic to an IP multicast address
without belonging to the corresponding host group.
For a host to receive IP multicasts,
an application must inform IP that it will receive multicasts at a specified IP
multicast address. If the network technology supports hardware-based
multicasting, the network interface is told to pass up packets for a specific
IP multicast address. In the case of Ethernet, the network adapter is
programmed to respond to a multicast MAC address corresponding to the specified
IP multicast address.
A host supports IP multicast at one
of the following levels:
- Level 0: No support to send or receive IP multicast
- Level 1: Support exists to send but not receive IP
multicast traffic.
- Level 2: Support exists to both send and receive IP
multicast traffic. Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Microsoft
Windows NT version 3.5 and later, and TCP/IP support level 2 IP
The protocol to register host group
information is IGMP, which is required on all hosts that support level 2 IP
multicasting. IGMP packets are sent using an IP header.
IGMP messages take three forms.
- Host Membership Report. When a host joins a host group, it sends an IGMP Host
Membership Report message to the all-hosts IP multicast address
( or to the specified IP multicast address declaring its
membership in a specific host group by referencing the IP multicast
address. A host can also specify the specific sources from which multicast
traffic is needed.
- Host Membership Query.
When a router polls a network to ensure that there are members of a
specific host group, it sends an IGMP Host Membership Query message to the
all-hosts IP multicast address. If no responses to the poll are received
after several polls, the router assumes no membership in that group for
that network and stops advertising that multicast group information to
other routers.
- Group Leave.
When a host is no longer interested in receiving multicast traffic sent to
a specific IP multicast address and it sent the last IGMP Host Membership
Report message in response to an IGMP Host Membership Query, it sends an
IGMP Group Leave message to the specific IP multicast address. Local
routers verify that the host sending the IGMP Group Leave message is the
last group member for that multicast address on that subnet. If no
responses to the poll are received after several polls, the router assumes
no membership in that group for that subnet and stops advertising that
multicast group information to other routers.
For IP multicasting to span routers
across an internetwork, multicast routing protocols are used by routers to
communicate host group information so that each router supporting multicast
forwarding is aware of which networks contain members of which host groups.
IGMP is defined in RFCs 1112 and 2236.
TCP is a reliable,
connection-oriented delivery service. The data is transmitted in segments.
Connection-oriented means that a connection must be established before hosts
can exchange data. Reliability is achieved by assigning a sequence number to
each segment transmitted. An acknowledgment is used to verify that the data is
received. For each segment sent, the receiving host must return an
acknowledgment (ACK) within a specified period for bytes received. If an ACK is
not received, the data is retransmitted. TCP is defined in RFC 793.
TCP uses byte-stream communications,
wherein data within the TCP segment is treated as a sequence of bytes with no
record or field boundaries. The following table describes the key fields in the
TCP header.
Key Fields in the TCP Header
Source Port
TCP port of sending host.
Destination Port
TCP port of destination host.
Sequence Number
Sequence number of the first byte of data in the TCP
Acknowledgment Number
Sequence number of the byte the sender expects to receive
next from the other side of the connection.
Current size of a TCP buffer on the host sending this TCP
segment to store incoming segments.
TCP Checksum
Verifies the bit-level integrity of the TCP header and the
TCP data.
A TCP port provides a specific
location for delivery of TCP segments. Port numbers below 1024 are well-known
ports and are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). The
following table lists a few well-known TCP ports.
Well-Known TCP Ports
TCP Port Number
FTP (Data Channel)
FTP (Control Channel)
HTTP used for the World Wide Web
NetBIOS session service
three-way handshake
A TCP connection is initialized
through a three-way handshake. The purpose of the three-way handshake is to
synchronize the sequence number and acknowledgment numbers of both sides of the
connection and exchange TCP window sizes or the use of large window sizes or
TCP timestamps. The following steps outline the process:
- The initiator of the TCP connection, typically a
client, sends a TCP segment to the server with an initial Sequence Number
for the connection and a window size indicating the size of a buffer on
the client to store incoming segments from the server.
- The responder of the TCP connection, typically a
server, sends back a TCP segment containing its chosen initial Sequence
Number, an acknowledgment of the client’s Sequence Number, and a window
size indicating the size of a buffer on the server to store incoming
segments from the client.
- The initiator sends a TCP segment to the server
containing an acknowledgment of the server’s Sequence Number.
TCP uses a similar handshake process
to end a connection. This guarantees that both hosts have finished transmitting
and that all data was received.
UDP provides a connectionless
datagram service that offers unreliable, best-effort delivery of data
transmitted in messages. This means that neither the arrival of datagrams nor
the correct sequencing of delivered packets is guaranteed. UDP does not recover
from lost data through retransmission. UDP is defined in RFC 768.
UDP is used by applications that do
not require an acknowledgment of receipt of data and that typically transmit
small amounts of data at one time. NetBIOS name service, NetBIOS datagram
service, and SNMP are examples of services and applications that use UDP. The
following table describes the key fields in the UDP header.
Key Fields in the UDP Header
Source Port
UDP port of sending host.
Destination Port
UDP port of destination host.
UDP Checksum
Verifies the bit-level integrity of the UDP header and the
UDP data.
To use UDP, an application must
supply the IP address and UDP port number of the destination application. A
port provides a location for sending messages. A port functions as a
multiplexed message queue, meaning that it can receive multiple messages at a
time. Each port is identified by a unique number. It is important to note that
UDP ports are distinct and separate from TCP ports even though some of them use
the same number. The following table lists a few well-known UDP ports.
Well-Known UDP Ports
UDP Port Number
Domain Name System (DNS) name queries
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
NetBIOS name service
NetBIOS datagram service
TCP/IP Application Interfaces
For applications to access the
services offered by the core TCP/IP protocols in a standard way, network
operating systems like Windows Server 2003 make industry-standard
application programming interfaces (APIs) available. APIs are sets of functions
and commands that are programmatically called by application code to perform
network functions. For example, a Web browser application connecting to a Web
site needs access to TCP’s connection establishment service.
The following figure shows two
common TCP/IP APIs, Windows Sockets and NetBIOS, and their relation to the core

Windows Sockets Interface
The Windows Sockets API is a
standard API under Windows Server 2003 for applications that use TCP and
UDP. Applications written to the Windows Sockets API run on many versions of
TCP/IP. TCP/IP utilities and the SNMP service are examples of applications
written to the Windows Sockets interface.
Windows Sockets provides services
that allow applications to bind to a particular port and IP address on a host,
initiate and accept a connection, send and receive data, and close a
connection. There are two types of sockets:
- A stream socket provides a two-way, reliable,
sequenced, and unduplicated flow of data using TCP.
- A datagram socket provides a one-way or two-way flow of
data using UDP.
A socket is defined by a protocol
and an address on the host. The format of the address is specific to each
protocol. In TCP/IP, the address is the combination of the IP address and port.
Two sockets, one for each end of the connection, form a bi-directional
communications path.
To communicate, an application
specifies the protocol, the IP address of the destination host, and the port of
the destination application. After the application is connected, information
can be sent and received.
NetBIOS Interface
NetBIOS allows applications to
communicate over a network. NetBIOS defines two entities, a session-level
interfaceand a session management and data transport protocol.
The NetBIOS interface is a standard
API for user applications to submit network input/output (I/O) and control
directives to underlying network protocol software. An application program that
uses the NetBIOS interface API for network communication can be run on any
protocol software that supports the NetBIOS interface.
NetBIOS also defines a protocolthat
functions at thesession/transport level. This is implemented by the underlying
protocol software (such as the NetBIOS Frames Protocol NBFP — a component of
NetBEUI or NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT)), which performs the network I/O
required to accommodate the NetBIOS interface command set. NetBIOS over TCP/IP
is defined in RFCs 1001 and 1002. NetBT is enabled by default, however
Windows Server 2003 allows you to disable NetBT for an environment that contains
no NetBIOS-based network clients or applications.
NetBIOS provides commands and
support for NetBIOS Name Management, NetBIOS Datagrams, and NetBIOS Sessions.
name management
NetBIOS name management services
provide the following functions:
- Name registration and release. When a TCP/IP host initializes, it registers its
NetBIOS names by broadcasting or directing a NetBIOS name registration
request to a NetBIOS Name Server such as a WINS server. If another host
has registered the same NetBIOS name, either the host or a NetBIOS Name
Server responds with a negative name registration response. The initiating
host receives an initialization error as a result. When the workstation
service on a host is stopped, the host discontinues broadcasting a negative
name registration response when someone else tries to use the name and
sends a name release to a NetBIOS Name Server. The NetBIOS name is said to
be released and available for use by another host.
- Name Resolution.
When a NetBIOS application wants to communicate with another NetBIOS
application, the IP address of the NetBIOS application must be resolved.
NetBT performs this function by either broadcasting a NetBIOS name query
on the local network or sending a NetBIOS name query to a NetBIOS Name
The NetBIOS name service uses UDP
port 137.
The NetBIOS datagram service
provides delivery of datagrams that are connectionless, unsequenced, and
unreliable. Datagrams can be directed to a specific NetBIOS name or broadcast
to a group of names. Delivery is unreliable in that only the users who are
logged on to the network receive the message. The datagram service can initiate
and receive both broadcast and directed messages. The NetBIOS datagram service
uses UDP port 138.
The NetBIOS session service provides
delivery of NetBIOS messages that are connection-oriented, sequenced, and
reliable. NetBIOS sessions use TCP connections and provide session
establishment, keepalive, and termination. The NetBIOS session service allows
concurrent data transfers in both directions using TCP port 139.
IPv4 Addressing
For IP version 4, each TCP/IP host
is identified by a logical IP address. The IP address is a Network layer
address and has no dependence on the Data-Link layer address (such as a MAC
address of a network adapter). A unique IP address is required for each host
and network component that communicates using TCP/IP and can be assigned
manually or by using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
The IP address identifies a system’s
location on the network in the same way a street address identifies a house on
a city block. Just as a street address must identify a unique residence, an IP
address must be globally unique to the internetwork and have a uniform format.
Each IP address includes a network
ID and a host ID.
- The network ID (also known as a network address)
identifies the systems that are located on the same physical network
bounded by IP routers. All systems on the same physical network must have
the same network ID. The network ID must be unique to the internetwork.
- The host ID (also known as a host address) identifies a
workstation, server, router, or other TCP/IP host within a network. The
host address must be unique to the network ID.
IPv4 Address Syntax
An IP address consists of 32 bits.
Instead of expressing IPv4 addresses 32 bits at a time using binary notation
(Base2), it is standard practice to segment the 32 bits of an IPv4
address into four 8-bit fields called octets. Each octet is
converted to a decimal number (base 10) from 0–255 and separated by a period (a
dot). This format is called dotted decimal notation. The following
table provides an example of an IP address in binary and dotted decimal
An IP Address in Binary and Dotted
Decimal Formats
Binary Format
Dotted Decimal Notation
11000000 10101000 00000011 00011000
For example, the IPv4 address of
11000000101010000000001100011000 is:
- Segmented into 8-bit blocks: 11000000 10101000 00000011
- Each block is converted to decimal: 192 168 3 24
- The adjacent octets are separated by a period:
The notation w.x.y.z is
used when referring to a generalized IP address, and is shown the following
IP Address

Types of IPv4 Addresses
The Internet standards define the
following types of IPv4 addresses:
- Unicast.
Assigned to a single network interface located on a specific subnet on the
network and used for one-to-one communications.
- Multicast.
Assigned to one or more network interfaces located on various subnets on
the network and used for one-to-many communications.
- Broadcast.
Assigned to all network interfaces located on a subnet on the network and
used for one-to-everyone-on-a-subnet communications.
The following sections describe
these types of addresses in detail.
IPv4 Unicast Addresses
The IPv4 unicast address identifies
an interface’s location on the network in the same way a street address
identifies a house on a city block. Just as a street address must identify a
unique residence, an IPv4 unicast address must be globally unique to the
network and have a uniform format.
Each IPv4 unicast address includes a
network ID and a host ID.
- The network ID (also known as a network address) is the
fixed portion of an IPv4 unicast address that identifies the set of
interfaces that are located on the same physical or logical network
segment as bounded by IPv4 routers. A network segment on TCP/IP networks
is also known as a subnet. All systems on the same physical or logical
subnet must use the same network ID and the network ID must be unique to
the entire TCP/IP network.
- The host ID (also known as a host address) is the
variable portion of an IPv4 unicast address that is used to identify a
network node’s interface on a subnet. The host ID must be unique to the
network ID.
If the network ID is unique to the
TCP/IP network and the host ID is unique to the network ID, then the entire
IPv4 unicast address consisting of the network ID and host ID is unique to the
entire TCP/IP network.
IPv4 Multicast Addresses
IPv4 multicast addresses are used
for single-packet one-to-many delivery. On an IPv4 multicast-enabled intranet,
an IPv4 packet addressed to an IPv4 multicast address is forwarded by routers
to the subnets on which there are hosts listening to the traffic sent to the
IPv4 multicast address. IPv4 multicast provides an efficient one-to-many
delivery service for many types of communication.
IPv4 multicast addresses are defined
by the class D Internet address class: IPv4 multicast addresses
range from through IPv4 multicast addresses for the address prefix ( through are reserved for
local subnet multicast traffic.
IPv4 Broadcast Addresses
IPv4 uses a set of broadcast
addresses to provide a one-to-everyone on the subnet delivery service. Packets
sent to IPv4 broadcast addresses are processed by all the interfaces on the
subnet. The following are the different types of IPv4 broadcast addresses:
- Network broadcast.
Formed by setting all the host bits to 1 for a classful address prefix. An
example of a network broadcast address for the classful network ID is Network broadcasts are used to send
packets to all interfaces of a classful network. IPv4 routers do not
forward network broadcast packets.
- Subnet broadcast.
Formed by setting all the host bits to 1 for a classless address prefix.
An example of a network broadcast address for the classless network ID is Subnet broadcasts are used to send
packets to all hosts of a classless network. IPv4 routers do not forward
subnet broadcast packets. For a classful address prefix, there is no
subnet broadcast address, only a network broadcast address. For a
classless address prefix, there is no network broadcast address, only a
subnet broadcast address.
- All-subnets-directed broadcast. Formed by setting all the original classful
network ID host bits to 1 for a classless address prefix. A packet
addressed to the all-subnets-directed broadcast was defined to reach all
hosts on all of the subnets of a subnetted class-based network ID. An
example of an all-subnets-directed broadcast address for the subnetted
network ID is The all-subnets-directed
broadcast is the network broadcast address of the original classful
network ID. IPv4 routers can forward all-subnets directed broadcast
packets, however the use of the all-subnets-directed broadcast address is
deprecated in RFC 1812.
- Limited broadcast. Formed
by setting all 32 bits of the IPv4 address to 1 ( The
limited broadcast address is used for one-to-everyone delivery on the
local subnet when the local network ID is unknown. IPv4 nodes typically
only use the limited broadcast address during an automated configuration
process such as Boot Protocol (BOOTP) or DHCP. For example, with DHCP, a
DHCP client must use the limited broadcast address for all traffic sent
until the DHCP server acknowledges the use of the offered IPv4 address
configuration. IPv4 routers do not forward limited broadcast packets.
Internet Address Classes
The Internet community originally
defined address classes to accommodate different types of addresses and
networks of varying sizes. The class of address defined which bits were used
for the network ID and which bits were used for the host ID. It also defined
the possible number of networks and the number of hosts per network. Of five
address classes, class A, B, and C addresses were defined for IPv4 unicast
addresses. Class D addresses were defined for IPv4 multicast addresses and
class E addresses were defined for experimental uses.
Class A network IDs were assigned to
networks with a very large number of hosts. The high-order bit in a class A
address is always set to zero, which makes the address prefix for all class A
networks and addresses (or, The next seven bits
(completing the first octet) are used to enumerate class A network IDs.
Therefore, address prefixes for class A network IDs have an 8-bit prefix length
(/8 or The remaining 24 bits (the last three octets) are used for
the host ID. The address prefix (or, is a reserved
network ID and (or, is reserved for loopback
addresses. Out of a total of 128 possible class A networks, there are 126
networks and 16,777,214 hosts per network.
- All-Zeros and All-Ones Host IDs are Reserved
- When enumerating host IDs for a given network ID, the
two host IDs in which all the bits in the host ID are set to 0 (the all-zeros
host ID) and all the bits in the host ID is set to 1 (the all-ones host
ID) are reserved and cannot be assigned to network node interfaces. Hence,
in the calculation above in which there are 24 bits for class A host IDs,
the total number of possible host IDs is 16,777,216 (224). When you
subtract the two reserved host IDs, the total number of usable host IDs is
The following figure illustrates the
structure of class A addresses.
Structure of class A addresses

Class B network IDs were assigned to
medium to large-sized networks. The two high-order bits in a class B address
are always set to 10, which makes the address prefix for all class B networks
and addresses (or, The next 14 bits
(completing the first two octets) are used to enumerate class B network IDs.
Therefore, address prefixes for class B network IDs have a 16-bit prefix length
(/16 or The remaining 16 bits (last two octets) are used for the
host ID. With 14 bits to express class B network IDs and 16 bits to express
host IDs, this allows for 16,384 networks and 65,534 hosts per network.
The following figure illustrates the
structure of class B addresses.
Structure of class B addresses

Class C addresses were assigned to
small networks. The three high-order bits in a class C address are always set
to 110, which makes the address prefix for all class C networks and addresses (or, The next 21 bits (completing the first
three octets) are used to enumerate class C network IDs. Therefore, address
prefixes for class C network IDs have a 24-bit prefix length (/24 or The remaining 8 bits (the last octet) are used for the host ID.
With 21 bits to express class C network IDs and 8 bits to express host IDs,
this allows for 2,097,152 networks and 254 hosts per network.
The following figure illustrates the
structure of class C addresses.
Structure of class C addresses

Class D addresses are reserved for
IPv4 multicast addresses. The four high-order bits in a class D address are
always set to 1110, which makes the address prefix for all class D addresses (or,
Class E addresses are reserved for
experimental use. The high-order bits in a class E address are set to 1111,
which makes the address prefix for all class E addresses (or,
The following table is a summary of
the Internet address classes A, B, and C that can be used for IPv4 unicast
Internet Address Class Summary
Value for w
Network ID Portion
Host ID Portion
Network IDs
Host IDs per Network
Modern Internet Addresses
The Internet address classes are an
obsolete unicast address allocation method that proved to be an inefficient way
to assign network IDs and addresses to organizations connected to the Internet.
For example, a large organization with a class A network ID can have up to 16,777,214
hosts. However, if the organization only uses 70,000 host IDs, then 16,707,214
potential IPv4 unicast addresses for the Internet are wasted.
On the modern-day Internet, IPv4
address prefixes are handed out to organization’s based on the organization’s
actual need for Internet-accessible IPv4 unicast addresses using a method known
as Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). For example, an organization
determines that it needs 2,000 Internet-accessible IPv4 unicast addresses. The
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) or an Internet
service provider (ISP) allocates an IPv4 address prefix in which 21 bits are
fixed, leaving 11 bits for host IDs. From the 11 bits for host IDs, the
organization can create 2,032 possible IPv4 unicast addresses.
CIDR-based address allocations
typically start at 8 bits. The following table lists the required number of
host IDs and the corresponding prefix length for CIDR-based address
Host IDs Needed and CIDR-based
Prefix Lengths
Number of Host IDs
Prefix Length
Dotted Decimal
Public and Private Addresses
If you want direct (routed)
connectivity to the Internet, then you must use public addresses. If you want
indirect (proxied or translated) connectivity to the Internet, you can use
either public or private addresses. If your intranet is not connected to the
Internet in any way, you can use any unicast IPv4 addresses that you want.
However, you should use private addresses to avoid network renumbering when
your intranet is eventually connected to the Internet.
Public addresses are assigned by
ICANN and consist of either historically allocated class-based network IDs or,
more recently, CIDR-based address prefixes that are guaranteed to be globally
unique on the Internet. For CIDR-based address prefixes, the value of w (the
first octet) is in the ranges of 1 through 126 and 128 through 223, with the
exception of the private address prefixes described in “Private Addresses.”
When the public addresses are
assigned, routes are added to the routers of the Internet so that traffic sent
to an address that matches the assigned public address prefix can reach the
assigned organization. For example, when an organization is assigned an address
prefix in the form of a network ID and prefix length, that address prefix also
exists as a route in the routers of the Internet. IPv4 packets destined to an
address within the assigned address prefix are routed to the proper
Each IPv4 interface requires an IPv4
address that is globally unique to the IPv4 network. In the case of the
Internet, each IPv4 interface on a subnet connected to the Internet requires an
IPv4 address that is globally unique to the Internet. As the Internet grew,
organizations connecting to the Internet required a public address for each
interface on their intranets. This requirement placed a huge demand on the pool
of available public addresses.
When analyzing the addressing needs
of organizations, the designers of the Internet noted that for many
organizations, most of the hosts on an organization’s intranet did not require
direct connectivity to the Internet. Those hosts that did require a specific
set of Internet services, such as Web access and e-mail, typically access the
Internet services through Application layer gateways such as proxy servers and
e-mail servers. The result is that most organizations only required a small
amount of public addresses for those nodes (such as proxies, servers, routers,
firewalls, and translators) that were directly connected to the Internet.
For the hosts within the
organization that do not require direct access to the Internet, IPv4 addresses
that do not duplicate already-assigned public addresses are required. To solve
this addressing problem, the Internet designers reserved a portion of the IPv4
address space and named this space the private address space. An IPv4 address
in the private address space is never assigned as a public address. IPv4
addresses within the private address space are known as private addresses.
Because the public and private address spaces do not overlap, private addresses
never duplicate public addresses.
The private address space specified
in RFC 1918 is defined by the following address prefixes:
- (,
Allows the following range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses: to The address prefix has 24 host bits that can be used for any addressing scheme within the private organization. - (,
Allows the following range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses: to The address prefix has 20 host bits that can be used for any addressing scheme within the private organization. - (,
Allows the following range of valid IPv4 unicast addresses: to The address prefix has 16 host bits that can be used for any addressing scheme within the private organization.
Because the IPv4 addresses in the private
address space will never be assigned by ICANN to an organization connected to
the Internet, there will never be routes for the private address prefixes in
Internet routers. You cannot connect to a private address over the Internet.
Therefore, a host that has a private address must send its Internet traffic
requests to an Application layer gateway (such as a proxy server) that has a
valid public address or through a network address translator (NAT) that
translates the private address into a valid public address.
Private organization intranets that
do not need an Internet connection can choose any address scheme they want,
even using public address prefixes that have been assigned by ICANN. If that
organization later decides to connect to the Internet, its current address
scheme might include addresses already assigned by ICANN to other
organizations. These addresses conflict with existing public addresses assigned
by ICANN and are known as illegal addresses. Connectivity from illegal addresses
to Internet locations is not possible because the routers of the Internet send
traffic destined to ICANN-allocated address prefixes to the assigned
organizations, not to the organizations using illegal addresses.
For example, a private organization
chooses to use the address prefix for its intranet. The public
address prefix has been assigned by ICANN to the Microsoft
Corporation and routes exist on the Internet routers to send all packets for
IPv4 addresses on to Microsoft routers. As long as the private
organization does not connect to the Internet, there is no problem because the
two address prefixes are on separate IPv4 networks; therefore they are unique
to each separate network. If the private organization later connects directly
to the Internet and continues to use the address prefix, any
Internet response traffic to locations matching the address
prefix is sent to Microsoft routers, not to the routers of the private
Automatic Private IP Addressing
An interface on a computer running
Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP that is configured to obtain an IPv4 address
configuration automatically that does not successfully contact a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server uses its alternate configuration, as
specified on the Alternate Configuration tab.
If the Automatic Private IP Address
option is selected on the Alternate Configuration tab and a DHCP server cannot
be found, Windows TCP/IP uses Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). Windows
TCP/IP randomly selects an IPv4 address from the address prefix
and assigns the subnet mask of This address prefix has been
reserved by the ICANN and is not reachable on the Internet. APIPA allows
single-subnet Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) networks to use TCP/IP without
static configuration or the administration of a DHCP server. APIPA does not
configure a default gateway. Therefore, only local subnet traffic is possible.
Special IPv4 Addresses
The following are special IPv4
Known as the unspecified IPv4 address, it is used to indicate the absence of an address. The unspecified address is used only as a source address when the IPv4 node is not configured with an IPv4 address configuration and is attempting to obtain an address through a configuration protocol such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). -
Known as the IPv4 loopback address, it is assigned to an internal loopback interface, enabling a node to send packets to itself.
Unicast IPv4 Addressing Guidelines
When assigning network IDs to the
subnets of an organization, use the following guidelines:
- The network ID must be unique on the IPv4
If the network ID is for a subnet on which there are hosts that are directly accessible from the Internet, you must use a public IPv4 address prefix assigned by ICANN or an Internet service provider. If the network ID is for a subnet that is not directly accessible by the Internet, use either a legal public address prefix or a private address prefix that is unique on your private intranet. - The network ID cannot begin with the numbers 0 or
Both of these values for the first octet are reserved and cannot be used for IPv4 unicast addresses.
When assigning host IDs to the
interfaces of nodes on an IPv4 subnet, use the following guidelines:
- The host ID must be unique on the subnet.
- You cannot use the all-zeros or all-ones host IDs.
When defining the range of valid
IPv4 unicast addresses for a given address prefix, use the following standard
- For the first IPv4 unicast address in the range, set
all the host bits in the address to 0, except for the low-order bit, which
is set to 1.
- For the last IPv4 unicast address in the range, set all
the host bits in the address to 1, except for the low-order bit, which is
set to 0.
For example, to express the range of
addresses for the address prefix
- The first IPv4 unicast address in the range is 11000000
10101000 0001000000000001 (host bits are bold), or
- The last IPv4 unicast address in the range is 11000000
10101000 0001111111111110 (host bits are bold), or
Name Resolution
While IP is designed to work with
the 32-bit IP addresses of the source and the destination hosts, computers
users are much better at using and remembering names than IP addresses.
When a name is used as an alias for
an IP address, a mechanism must exist for assigning that name to the
appropriate IP node — to ensure its uniqueness and resolution to its IP
In this section, the mechanisms used
for assigning and resolving host names (which are used by Windows Sockets
applications), and NetBIOS names (which are used by NetBIOS applications) are
Host Name Resolution
A host name is an alias assigned to
an IP node to identify it as a TCP/IP host. The host name can be up to 255
characters long and can contain alphabetic and numeric characters and the “-”
and “.” characters“.” Multiple host names can be assigned to the same host. For
Windows Server 2003–based computers, the host name does not have to match
the Windows Server 2003 computer name.
Windows Sockets applications, such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer, can use one of two values to connect to the
destination: the IP address or a host name. When the IP address is specified,
name resolution is not needed. When a host name is specified, the host name
must be resolved to an IP address before IP-based communication with the
desired resource can begin.
Host names most commonly take the
form of a domain name with a structure that follows Internet conventions. Name
resolution, and domain names work the same whether they are used for IPv4 or
IPv6 addresses.
Domain Names
To meet the need for a scalable,
customizable naming scheme for a wide variety of organizations, InterNIC has
created and maintains a hierarchical namespace called the Domain Name System
(DNS). The DNS naming scheme looks like the directory structure for files on a
disk. Usually, you trace a file path from the root directory through
subdirectories to its final location and its file name. However, a host name is
traced from its final location back through its parent domains up to the root.
The unique name of the host, representing its position in the hierarchy, is its
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). The top-level domain namespace with
second-level and subdomains is shown in the following figure.
Domain Name System

The domain namespace includes the
following categories:
- The root domain, which is indicated by “” (null),
represents the root of the namespace.
- Top-level domains, directly below the root, represent
types of organizations. InterNIC is responsible for the maintenance of
top-level domain names on the Internet. The following table has a partial
list of the Internet’s top-level domain names.
Internet Top-Level Domain Names
Domain Name
Commercial organization
Educational institution
Government institution
Military group
Major network support center
Organization other than those above
International organization
<country/region code>
Each country/region (geographic scheme)
- Second-level domains, below the top-level domains,
represent specific organizations within the top-level domains. InterNIC is
responsible for maintaining and ensuring uniqueness of second-level domain
names on the Internet.
- Subdomains are below the second-level domain.
Individual organizations are responsible for the creation and maintenance
of subdomains.
For example, for the FQDN
- The trailing period (.) denotes that this is an
FQDN with the name relative to the root of the domain namespace. The
trailing period is usually not required for FQDNs and if it is missing it
is assumed to be present.
- com is
the top-level domain, indicating a commercial organization.
- reskit is
the second-level domain, indicating the Resource Kit Corporation.
- wcoast is
a subdomain of indicating the West Coast
division of the Resource Kit Corporation.
- websrv is
the name of the Web server in the West Coast division.
Domain names are not case-sensitive.
Organizations not connected to the
Internet can implement whatever top and second-level domain names they want.
However, typical implementations follow InterNIC specifications so that
eventual participation in the Internet will not require a renaming process.
Host Name Resolution Using a Hosts
One common way to resolve a host
name to an IP address is to use a locally stored database file that contains
IP-address-to-host-name mappings. On most UNIX systems, this file is
/etc/hosts. On Windows Server 2003 systems, it is the Hosts file in the%systemroot%\System32\Drivers\Etc directory.
The following is an example of the
contents of the Hosts file:
of IP addresses and host names
# localhost router s1
Within the Hosts file:
- Multiple host names can be assigned to the same IP
address. Note that the server at the IP address can be
referred to by its FQDN ( or a nickname (s1).
This allows the user at this computer to refer to this server using the
nickname s1 instead of typing the entire FQDN.
- Entries can be case sensitive depending on the
platform. Entries in the Hosts file for UNIX computers are case-sensitive.
Entries in the Hosts file for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and
Windows 2000–based computers are not case sensitive.
For computers running Windows Server
2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000, the entries in the Hosts file are loaded
into the DNS client resolver cache. When resolving host names, the DNS client
resolver cache is always checked.
The advantage of using a Hosts file
is that it is customizable for the user. Users can create whatever entries they
want, including easy-to-remember nicknames for frequently accessed resources.
However, the individual maintenance of the Hosts file does not scale well to
storing large numbers of FQDN mappings.
Host Name Resolution Using a DNS
To make host name resolution
scalable and centrally manageable, IP address mappings for FQDNs are stored on
DNS servers. To enable the querying of a DNS server by a host computer, a
component called the DNS resolver is enabled and configured with the IP address
of the DNS server. The DNS resolver is a built-in component of TCP/IP protocol
stacks supplied with most network operating systems, including
Windows Server 2003.
When a Windows Sockets application
is given an FQDN as the destination location, the application calls a Windows
Sockets function to resolve the name to an IP address. The request is passed to
the DNS resolver component in the TCP/IP protocol. The DNS resolver packages
the FQDN request as a DNS Name Query packet and sends it to the DNS server.
DNS is a distributed naming system.
Instead of storing all the records for the entire namespace on each DNS server,
each DNS server stores only the records for a specific portion of the
namespace. The DNS server is authoritative for the portion of the namespace
that corresponds to records stored on that DNS server. In the case of the
Internet, hundreds of DNS servers store various portions of the Internet
namespace. To facilitate the resolution of any valid domain name by any DNS
server, DNS servers are also configured with pointer records to other DNS
The following process outlines what
happens when the DNS resolver component on a host sends a DNS query to a DNS
server. This process is shown in the following figure and is simplified so
that you can gain a basic understanding of the DNS resolution process.
- The DNS resolver component of the DNS client formats a
DNS Name Query Request message containing the FQDN and sends it to the
configured DNS server.
- The DNS server checks the FQDN in the DNS Name Query
Request message against locally stored address records. If a record is
found, the IP address corresponding to the requested FQDN is sent back to
the client.
- If the FQDN is not found, the DNS server forwards the
request to a DNS server that is authoritative for the FQDN.
- The authoritative DNS server returns the reply, which
contains the resolved IP address, back to the original DNS server.
- The original DNS server sends the IP address mapping
information to the client.
Resolving an FQDN by using DNS

To obtain the IP address of a server
that is authoritative for the FQDN, DNS servers on the Internet go through an
iterative process of querying multiple DNS servers until the authoritative
server is found. For more information about DNS name-resolution processes, see
the DNS Technical Reference.
Combining a Local Database File with
TCP/IP implementations, including
Windows Server 2003, allow the use of both a local database file and a DNS
server to resolve host names. When a user specifies a host name in a Windows
Sockets–based TCP/IP application:
- TCP/IP checks the DNS client resolver cache (loaded
with entries from the Hosts file and other previously resolved host names)
for a matching name. If a matching name is not found in the local database
file, the host name is packaged as a DNS Name Query Request message and
sent to the configured DNS server.
Combining methods allows the user to
have a local database file for resolving personalized nicknames and to use the
globally distributed DNS database to resolve FQDNs.
NetBIOS Name Resolution
NetBIOS name resolution is the
process of successfully mapping a NetBIOS name to an IP address. A NetBIOS name
is a 16-byte address used to identify a NetBIOS resource on the network. A
NetBIOS name is either a unique (exclusive) or group (nonexclusive) name. When
a NetBIOS process communicates with a specific process on a specific computer,
a unique name is used. When a NetBIOS process communicates with multiple
processes on multiple computers, a group name is used.
The NetBIOS name acts as a Session
layer application identifier. For example, the NetBIOS session service operates
over TCP port 139. All NetBT session requests are addressed to TCP destination
port 139. When identifying a NetBIOS application with which to establish a
NetBIOS session, the NetBIOS name is used.
An example of a process using a
NetBIOS name is the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks component
(the Server service) on a Windows Server 2003–based computer. When you
start your computer, the Server service registers a unique NetBIOS name based
on your computer’s name. The exact name used by the Server service is the
15-character computer name plus a sixteenth character of 0x20. If the computer
name is not 15 characters long, it is padded with spaces up to 15 characters
long. Other network services, such as the Workstation or Messenger service,
also use the computer name to build their NetBIOS names. The sixteenth
character is used to uniquely identify each service.
- The Messenger service refered to here is not Windows
Messenger. Windows Messenger is a Microsoft application included in
Windows Server 2003 that allows real-time messaging and collaboration.
The Server service on the file
server you specify corresponds to a specific NetBIOS name. For example, when
you attempt to connect to the computer called CORPSERVER, the NetBIOS name
corresponding to the Server service is "CORPSERVER <20>" (note
the padding using the space character). Before a file and print sharing
connection can be established, a TCP connection must be created. In order for a
TCP connection to be established, the NetBIOS name "CORPSERVER
<20>" must be resolved to an IP address.
To view the NetBIOS names registered
by NetBIOS processes running on a Windows Server 2003 computer, type nbtstat
-n at the Windows Server 2003 command prompt.
NetBIOS Node Types
The exact mechanism by which NetBIOS
names are resolved to IP addresses depends on the node’s configured NetBIOS
Node Type. RFC 1001 defines the NetBIOS Node Types listed in the following
NetBIOS Node Types
Node Type
B-node (broadcast)
B-node uses broadcasted NetBIOS name queries for name
registration and resolution. B-node has two major problems: (1) In a large
internetwork, broadcasts can increase the network load, and (2) Routers
typically do not forward broadcasts, so only NetBIOS names on the local
network can be resolved.
P-node (peer-peer)
P-node uses a NetBIOS name server (NBNS), such as Windows
Internet Name Service (WINS), to resolve NetBIOS names. P-node does not use
broadcasts; instead, it queries the name server directly. The most
significant problem with P-node is that all computers must be configured with
the IP address of the NBNS, and if the NBNS is down, computers are not able
to communicate even on the local network.
M-node (mixed)
M-node is a combination of B-node and P-node. By default,
an M-node functions as a B-node. If it is unable to resolve a name by
broadcast, it uses the NBNS of P-node.
H-node (hybrid)
H-node is a combination of P-node and B-node. By default,
an H-node functions as a P-node. If it is unable to resolve a name through
the NetBIOS name server, it uses a broadcast to resolve the name.
When NetBT is enabled,
Windows Server 2003–based computers are B-node by default and become
H-node when configured for a WINS server. Windows Server 2003 also uses a
local database file called Lmhosts to resolve remote NetBIOS names.
IPv4 Routing
After the host name or NetBIOS name
is resolved to an IP address, the IP packet must be sent by the sending host to
the resolved IP address. Routing is the process of forwarding a packet based on
the destination IP address. Routing involves both the TCP/IP host and an IP
router. A router is a device that forwards the packets from one network to
another. Routers are also commonly referred to as gateways. Both the sending
host and router need to make a determination about how the packet is forwarded.
To make these determinations, the IP
layer consults a routing table stored in memory. Routing table entries are
created by default when TCP/IP initializes and additional entries are added
either manually by a system administrator or automatically through
communication with routers.
Direct and Indirect Delivery
IP packets use at least one of two
types of delivery based on whether the final destination is located on a
directly attached network. These two types of delivery are known as direct and
indirect delivery.
- Direct delivery occurs when the IP node (either the
sending node or an IP router) forwards a packet to the final destination
on a directly attached network. The IP node encapsulates the IP packet in
a frame format for the Network Interface layer (such as Ethernet or Token
Ring) addressed to the destination’s MAC address.
- Indirect delivery occurs when the IP node (either the
sending node or an IP router) forwards a packet to an intermediate node
(an IP router) because the final destination is not on a directly attached
network. The IP node encapsulates the IP packet in a frame format for the
Network Interface layer (such as Ethernet or Token Ring) addressed to the
IP router’s MAC address.
IP routing is a combination of
direct and indirect deliveries.
In the following figure, when
sending packets to node B, node A performs a direct delivery. When sending
packets to node C, node A performs an indirect delivery to Router 1, and Router
1 performs an indirect delivery to Router 2, and then Router 2 performs a
direct delivery to node C.
Direct and Indirect Deliveries

IP Routing Table
A routing table is present on all IP
nodes. The routing table stores information about IP networks and how they can
be reached (either directly or indirectly). Because all IP nodes perform some
form of IP routing, routing tables are not exclusive to IP routers. Any node
loading the TCP/IP protocol has a routing table. There are a series of default
entries according to the configuration of the node and additional entries can
be entered either manually through TCP/IP utilities or dynamically through
interaction with routers.
When an IP packet is to be
forwarded, the routing table is used to determine:
- The next-hop IP address. For a direct delivery, the next-hop IP address is
the destination IP address in the IP packet. For an indirect delivery, the
next-hop IP address is the IP address of a router.
- The next-hop interface. The next-hop interface identifies the physical or
logical interface, such as a network adapter, that is used to forward the
packet to either its destination or the next router.
IP Routing Table Entry Types
Entries in the IP routing table
contain the following information:
- Network ID. The
network ID or destination corresponding to the route. The network ID can
identify a specific subnet, be a summarized route, or an IP address for a
host route. In the Windows Server 2003 IP routing table, this is the
Network Destination column.
- Network mask. The
mask that is used to match a destination IP address to the network ID. In
the Windows Server 2003 IP routing table, this is the Netmask column.
- Next hop. The
IP address of the next hop. In the Windows Server 2003 IP routing
table, this is the Gateway column.
- Interface. An
indication of which network interface is used to forward the IP packet.
- Metric. A
number used to indicate the cost of the route so the best route among
possible multiple routes to the same destination can be selected. A common
use of the metric is to indicate the number of hops (routers crossed) to
the network ID.
Entries in the routing table can be
used to store the following types of routes:
- Directly attached network ID. Aroute for network IDs that are directly attached. For
directly attached networks, the Next Hop field can be blank or contain the
IP address of the interface on that network.
- Remote network ID. A route for network IDs that are not directly attached
but are available across other routers. For remote networks, the Next Hop
field is the IP address of a local router.
- Host route. A
route to a specific IP address. Host routes allow routing to occur on a
per-IP address basis. For host routes, the network ID is the IP address of
the specified host and the network mask is
- Default route. The
default route is designed to be used when a more specific network ID or
host route is not found. The default route network ID is with a
network mask of
Route Determination Process
To determine which routing table
entry is used to find the next-hop address and interface, IP uses the following
- For each entry in a routing table, IP performs a
bit-wise logical AND operation between the destination IP address and the
network mask. It compares the result with the network ID of the entry for
a match.
- A list of matching routes is compiled. The route that
has the longest match (the route with the largest number of bits that
match the destination IP address) is chosen. The longest matching route is
the most direct route to the destination IP address. If multiple matching
entries are found (for example, multiple routes to the same network ID),
the router uses the lowest metric to select the best route. If multiple
entries have the longest match and the lowest metric, the router
designates one of them as the routing table entry. For Windows Server 2003
TCP/IP, the route chosen corresponds to the route associated with the
interface that is first in the network binding order.
The end result of the
route-determination process is a single route in the routing table that yields
a next-hop IP address and interface. If the route-determination process fails
to find a route, IP indicates a routing error. For the sending host, an IP
routing error message is sent to the upper layer protocol, such as TCP or UDP.
For a router, an ICMP Destination Unreachable–Host Unreachable message is sent
to the sending host.
Routing Table for
Windows Server 2003
The following table shows the
default routing table for a Windows Server 2003–based host (not a router).
The host has a single network adapter and has the IP address,
subnet mask, and a default gateway of
Windows Server 2003 Routing
Network Destination
Default Route
Loopback Network
Directly Attached Network
Local Host
Network Broadcast
Limited Broadcast
Default Route
The entry corresponding to the
default gateway configuration is a network destination of with a
network mask (netmask) of Any destination IP address that is logically
ANDed with results in Therefore, for any IP address, the
default route produces a match. If the default route is chosen because no
better routes were found, the IP packet is forwarded to the IP address in the
Gateway column (the default gateway of, by using the interface
assigned the IP address in the Interface column.
Loopback Network
The loopback network entry is
designed to take any IP address of the form 127.x.y.z and forward it to the special
loopback address of
Directly Attached Network
The local network entry corresponds
to the directly attached network. IP packets destined for the directly attached
network are not forwarded to a router but sent directly to the destination.
Note that the Gateway and Interface columns match the IP address of the node.
This indicates that the packet is sent from the network adapter corresponding
to the node’s IP address.
Local Host
The local host entry is a host route
(network mask of corresponding to the IP address of the host.
All IP packets sent to the IP address of the host are forwarded to the loopback
Network Broadcast
The network broadcast entry is a
host route (network mask of corresponding to the all-subnets
directed broadcast address (all subnets of class B network ID
Packets addressed to the all-subnets directed broadcast are sent from the
network adapter corresponding to the node’s IP address.
The multicast addresses route is
used to send any multicast IP packets from the network adapter corresponding to
the node’s IP address.
Limited Broadcast
The limited broadcast address is a
host route (network mask of Packets addressed to the limited
broadcast are sent from the network adapter corresponding to the node’s IP
Viewing the IP Routing Table
To view the IP routing table on a
Windows Server 2003-based computer, type route print at a
Windows Server 2003 command prompt.
When determining the next-hop IP
address and interface from a route in the routing table:
- If the gateway address is the same as the interface
address, the next-hop IP address is set to the destination IP address of
the IP packet.
- If the gateway address is not the same as the interface
address, the next-hop IP address is set to the gateway address.
For example, when traffic is sent to, the most specific matching route is the route for the directly
attached network ( The next-hop IP address is set to the destination
IP address ( and the interface is the network adapter that has
been assigned the IP address
When sending traffic to, the most specific matching route is the default route
( The next-hop IP address is set to the gateway address
( and the interface is the network adapter that has been assigned
the IP address
Maintenance of Routing Table Entries
For IP routing to occur efficiently
between routers in the IP internetwork, routers must be configured with remote
network IDs or a default route. On large IP internetworks, one of the
challenges faced by network administrators is how to maintain the routing
tables on their IP routers so that IP traffic flow is traveling the best path and
is fault tolerant.
There are two methods of maintaining
routing table entries on IP routers.
Static IP routers have routing
tables that do not change unless manually changed by a network administrator.
Static routing relies on the manual
administration of the routing table. Remote network IDs are not discovered by
static routers and must be manually configured. Static routers are not
fault-tolerant. If a static router goes down, neighboring routers do not sense
the fault and inform other routers.
Dynamic IP routers have routing
tables that change automatically based on the exchange of routing information
with other routers.
Dynamic routing employs the use of
routing protocols, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF), to dynamically update the routing table through the exchange
of routing information between routers. Remote network IDs are discovered by
dynamic routers and automatically entered into the routing table. Dynamic
routers are fault-tolerant. If a dynamic router goes down, the fault is
detected by neighboring routers, which send the changed routing information to
the other routers in the internetwork.
Physical Address Resolution
Based on the destination IP address
and the route determination process, IP determines the next-hop IP address and
interface. IP then sends the IP packet, the next-hop IP address, and the
interface to ARP.
If the next-hop IP address is the
same as the destination IP address, then ARP performs a direct delivery. In a direct
delivery, the MAC address corresponding to the destination IP address must be
If the next-hop IP address is not
the same as the destination IP address, then ARP performs an indirect delivery.
The next-hop IP address is the IP address of a router between the current IP
node and the final destination. In an indirect delivery, the MAC address
corresponding to the IP address of the router must be resolved.
To resolve a next-hop IP address to
its MAC address, ARP uses broadcast traffic on shared access networking media
(such as Ethernet or Token Ring) to send out a broadcasted ARP Request frame.
An ARP Reply, containing the MAC address corresponding to the requested
next-hop IP address, is sent back to the sender of the ARP Request.
ARP Cache
To keep the number of broadcasted
ARP Request frames to a minimum, many TCP/IP protocol stacks incorporate an ARP
cache, which is a table of recently resolved IP addresses and their
corresponding MAC addresses. TCP/IP checks the ARP cache before sending an ARP
Request frame. Each interface has its own ARP cache.
Depending on the vendor
implementation, the ARP cache can have the following qualities:
- ARP cache entries can be dynamic (based on ARP Replies)
or static. Static ARP entries are permanent and are manually added by
using a TCP/IP utility such as the ARP tool provided with
Windows Server 2003. Static ARP cache entries are used to prevent ARP
Requests for commonly used local IP addresses, such as routers and
servers. The problem with static ARP entries is that they have to be
manually updated when network interface equipment changes.
- Dynamic ARP cache entries have a time-out value
associated with them to remove entries in the cache after a specified
period of time. Dynamic ARP cache entries for Windows Server 2003
TCP/IP are given a maximum time of 10 minutes before being removed.
To view the ARP cache on a
Windows Server 2003–based computer, type arp -a at a
Windows Server 2003 command prompt.
ARP Process
IP sends ARP the IP packet, the
next-hop IP address, and the next-hop interface. Whether performing a direct or
indirect delivery, ARP carries out the following process, as shown in the
following figure.
ARP process

- Based on the next-hop address and interface, ARP
consults the appropriate ARP cache for an entry for the next-hop IP
address. If an entry is found, ARP skips to step 6.
- If an entry is not found, ARP builds an ARP Request
frame containing the MAC address of the interface sending the ARP Request,
the IP address of the interface sending the ARP Request, and the next-hop
IP address. ARP then broadcasts the ARP Request using the appropriate
- All hosts receive the broadcasted frame and the ARP
Request is processed. If the receiving host’s IP address matches the
requested IP address (the next-hop IP address), its ARP cache is updated
with the address mapping of the sender of the ARP Request.
- If the receiving host’s IP address does not match the
requested IP address, the ARP Request is silently discarded.
- The receiving host formulates an ARP Reply containing
the requested MAC address and sends it directly to the sender of the ARP
- When the ARP Reply is received by the sender of the ARP
Request, it updates its ARP cache with the address mapping.
- The ARP Request host and the ARP Reply host have each
other’s address mappings in their ARP caches.
- ARP sends the IP packet to the next-hop node by
addressing it to the resolved MAC address.
End-to-End Delivery
The IP routing processes for all
nodes involved in the delivery of an IP packet include the sending host, the
intermediate routers, and the destination host.
IP on the Sending Host
When a host sends a packet, the
packet is transmitted from an upper layer protocol (TCP, UDP, or ICMP) to IP,
and then IP on the sending host does the following:
- Sets the Time-to-Live (TTL) value to either a default
or application-specified value.
- Checks its routing table for the best route to the
destination IP address.
If no route is found, IP sends a routing error message to the upper layer protocol (TCP, UDP, or ICMP). - Determines the next-hop IP address and the interface,
based on the most specific matching route.
- Sends the packet, the next-hop IP address, and the
next-hop interface to Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), and then ARP
resolves the next-hop IP address to its media access control (MAC) address
and forwards the packet.
IP on the Router
When a packet is received at a
router, the packet is passed to IP, and IP on the router does the following:
- Verifies the IP header checksum.
If the IP header checksum fails, the IP packet is discarded without notification to the user. This is known as a silent discard. - Verifies whether the destination IP address in the IP
packet corresponds to an IP address assigned to a router interface.
If so, the router processes the IP packet as the destination host (see step 3 in the following “IP on the Destination Host” section). - If the destination IP address is not the router, IP
decrements the Time-to-Live (TTL).
If the TTL is 0, the router discards the packet and sends an ICMP Time Expired–TTL Expired in Transit message to the sender. - If the TTL is 1 or greater, IP updates the TTL field
and calculates a new IP header checksum.
- IP checks its routing table for the best route to the
destination IP address in the IP packet.
If no route is found, the router discards the packet and sends an ICMP Destination Unreachable–Host Unreachable message to the sender. - Based on the best route found, IP determines the
next-hop IP address and interface.
- IP sends the packet, the next-hop IP address, and the
interface to ARP, and then ARP forwards the packet to the appropriate MAC
This entire process is repeated at
each router in the path between the source and destination host.
IP on the Destination Host
When a packet is received at the
destination host, it is passed up to IP, and IP on the destination host does
the following:
- Verifies the IP header checksum.
If the IP header checksum fails, the IP packet is silently discarded. - Verifies that the destination IP address in the IP
packet corresponds to an IP address assigned to the host.
If the destination IP address is not assigned to the host, the IP packet is silently discarded. - Passes the IP packet without the IP header to the
appropriate upper-level protocol, based on the IP protocol field.
If the protocol does not exist, ICMP sends a Destination Unreachable–Protocol Unreachable message back to the sender. - For TCP and UDP packets, IP checks the destination port
and processes the TCP segment or UDP header.
If no application exists for the UDP port number, ICMP sends a Destination Unreachable–Port Unreachable message back to the sender. If no application exists for the TCP port number, TCP sends a Connection Reset segment back to the sender.