Monday 11 January 2016

how to import iou web labs into unetlab


1. UNetLab is based on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux. Weekly you should check for updates and upgrade your system:
apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade
2. If it’s required to update UNetLab only, just restrict the upgrade phase:
apt-get update
apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install unetlab unetlab-qemu
NB:UNetLab VM must be able to access Internet directly or through a proxy
3. Follow the script kind of a wizard to create GRUB
4. At this pot congratulation you have succeded to Upgrade to you UNL Server
5. Refresh you web Page and login with
Login: admin
Password: unl
6. Run this to create the PHP script
nano /opt/unetlab/scripts/import_iou-web.php
7. Copy the whole script int import_iou-web.php.txt
8. To save in NANO editor press CTRL+X and the Y and Enter
9. Create a directory in mkdir /opt/unetlab/labs/Imported
10. Go to downloads Tab on your IOU-WEB Web interface and click the database.sdb and Save it
11. Copy database.sdb to /tmp/database.sdb using WinSCP
12. Run this command:
/opt/unetlab/scripts/import_iou-web.php /tmp/database.sdb
13. All labs will be imported under /opt/unetlab/labs/Imported.
NB: This script is not stable, but it should work fine for most labs. It will be included on latest official releases.